Dermatological Studies confirm the effectiveness of BIOXSINE
Studies were conducted with BIOXSINE serum and BIOXSINE shampoo at a number of universities and in independent research centres that confirmed the effectiveness of BIOXSINE products for hair loss.
University of Pavia, Italy
At the Pharmacy Faculty at the University of Pavia (Milan) in Italy, test participants with androgenetic alopecia (hereditary hair loss) used BIOXSINE shampoo and BIOXSINE serum for a duration of six months.

Pull test: The regular use of both BIOXSINE products caused a reduction in hair loss. After 6 months the hair loss could be reduced by 93% in the group that used both BIOXSINE products.
PHOTOTRICHOGRAM growth phase: The regular use of both BIOXSINE products caused an increase in the number of hairs in the growth phase (anagen phase) of 20.9%. In the placebo group no effect could be observed.
PHOTOTRICHOGRAMM resting phase: The regular use of both BIOXSINE products caused a decrease in the number of hairs in the resting phase (telogen phase) of 20.9%. In the placebo group no effect could be observed.
Study participants questioned at the end of the study:
The study participants were asked to rate 5 questions on a scale of 1 to 10. In this case, 1 indicated “not applicable” and 10 indicated “full agreement”.
Summary of the results:
Both BIOXSINE shampoo and BIOXSINE serum were very well tolerated by all the participants, and no side effects were observed during the study.
Participants who used BIOXSINE shampoo or BIOXSINE serum also experienced a soothing and stabilizing effect from the products on their scalp: redness, itching and flakiness were reduced.
The combination of BIOXSINE shampoo and BIOXSINE serum displayed the most lasting effect in the study period. The group that used both products at the same time achieved the best results in all measurement parameters.
The study results show that BIOXSINE shampoo and BIOXSINE serum encourage hair growth by strengthening the hair follicles. This effect helps to reduce existing hair loss or early hair loss.
Source: Prof. Dott. Fulvio Marzatico, University of Pavia, Pharmacobiochemistry laboratory Section of Pharmacological and Toxicological Sciences: “Placebo-Controlled, clinical-instrumental assessment of the efficacy of cosmetic products for the treatment of alopecia grade II and III or Telogen effluvium.” (June 2011)
Dermatest, Germany
The independent German research institute Dermatest examined the products BIOXSINE shampoo and BIOXSINE serum in two application studies for nine months and four months. Participants with androgenetic alopecia (hereditary hair loss), but otherwise with healthy skin, tested BIOXSINE shampoo and BIOXSINE serum in combination for tolerance and effectiveness. Both studies observed that the products boost hair growth. All participants displayed very good tolerance of both the shampoo and serum. There were no undesirable side effects.
The results of Study I:
The regular and combined use of BIOXSINE shampoo and BIOXSINE serum over a period of nine months in total caused a 17.3% increase in hair density. The scientists also discovered that the absolute number of hairs increased with half of the participants after using the products for five months. After nine months of using both products, the number of hairs had increased with 80 per cent of the participants. An improvement in hair density (n/cm²) was displayed after five months of use with 60 per cent of the participants, and after nine months of using both products this value had improved with 70 per cent of the participants.
The results of Study II:
After four months of using both BIOXSINE shampoo and BIOXSINE serum together, the absolute number of hairs had improved with 62 per cent of the participants. An improvement in hair density was observed in 55 per cent of participants.
The BIOXSINE products were well tolerated by all participants during the entire duration of use. No participants displayed locally toxic, irritant or allergological reactions. There were no other undesirable, dermatologically relevant skin reactions with daily application or over the entire duration of use either.
Source: Kornelia Sievert, Dr. rer. nat. Liane Bolke, Dr. med. Gerrit Schlippe, Dr. med. Werner Voss, Dermatest GmbH: Wirksamkeitsstudie der haarwuchsfördernden BIOXSINE-Produkte Shampoo und Serum zur Haarwuchsförderung bei androgenetischer Alopezie. (Efficacy study of the hair-growth boosting products BIOXSINE shampoo and serum for boosting hair growth with androgenetic alopecia) (2002)
Clinical studies in Turkey
In Turkey clinical studies were carried out at renowned universities. In each case, at the end of the test period lasting eight months, the test participants that used BIOXSINE shampoo and BIOXSINE serum made the following observations about their hair: